Preparing for the great adventure
2. Juli 2014
28th of March – 4th of April 2014
That week I was traveling to Bad Bevensen, a little village in the center of Germany. That is where we met for our one week preparation camp. Our group of 75 persons was split up into 3 smaller groups. So it was me and 24 others in Bad Bevensen. The others met the weeks
after in different places.
I have to admit that I wasn’t too excited about this week at all, but looking back, what can I say? We had the most amazing time and grew as a group.
We learned a lot about American culture, the program but also German history was part of the schedule. Beside the tight schedule of all these presentations we still had plenty of time to hang out and get to know each other better. We had a lovely time eating (the hostel
served 4 meals a day!), sitting in the sun, spending some fun evenings together and making first plans on what it will be like once we are in the USA. Being together with those guys like 24/7 was amazing since we all share the same excitement, worries, fears but mostly this can’t-wait-to-get-there-and-see-what-it-will-be-like feeling.
The day we were leaving I even felt a little bit sad since we had such a lovely time together. But having in mind that I will share this exciting year with these wonderful people made me feel very fortunate. It was a great week and it made me even more excited to spend one year in the USA!!